We came here to EVOLVE

You are here for the purpose of evolving your soul.

Let’s explore this.

Evolution is ...

The gradual development of something from a simple form to a more complex form.

We are becoming more complex.

Complex means...

Something that is consisting of many different and connected parts.

SO, we are becoming more connected although we are not the same.

To be connected means...

To be brought together or into contact so that a real or notional link is established.

Link is defined as..

relationship between two things or situations, especially where one thing affects the other.

We can not evolve into higher states of consciousness without genuine connection with one another. This involves the heart center which is the gateway to higher love and spiritual realization.

In fact, the ancient vedics teach that the way to open the heart is linked with our capacity to love ourselves, love others, and love the divine beloved creator.

As we look closer into the dynamics of relationships we can see that our relationship with ourselves influences the quality of our relationship with others.

The relationship with ourselves involves nurturing our human vessel with proper tender loving care, healthy diet, proper exercise, relaxation, as well as creative outlets that support our emotions.

Taking care of ourselves also involves self reflection which supports us in processing life's disappointments and healing unresolved hurts. Perhaps, seeking counseling or guidance from others. All of this self nourishing provides the human body with strength, stability and a deep sense of calmness which supports us in connecting deeper with others.

Through this observation we can deduce that self care supports our souls' evolutions. Tadah!

Now if you are thinking “I don’t have time to take care of myself and nourish relationships with others”, I’d like you to consider where your focus has been then. Be very honest with yourself, do you truly not have ANY time to care for yourself?

Many of us genuinely have a lot on our plate. THANK YOU for even taking the time out to read this! And, many of you already have great routines too! Keep it going. But, for those of us still needing some support, I'd like to propose that for the sake of our health, our world and our spiritual evolution we must also consider what it is costing us.

Think of how it is affecting our health, our energy, our prosperity, our relationships with our family and friends and even with God.

What can we begin to do today that will support our EVOLUTION?

Supportive tips:

  1. Listen to music that makes you vibe the way you want to for the purpose of feeling better.

  2. Drink hot water with lemon each morning and hot water or herbal teas throughout the day.

  3. Bring eucalyptus or other essential oils into your showers to create a spa experience each time.

  4. Take at least 30 seconds each day to give yourself MORE love, kindness and self forgiveness. C’mon you have 30 seconds. (and can build on this!)

  5. Deeper 

    Spring Tips for Optimal Wellness

  6. Write an encouraging affirmation near your toilet because you pee anyway you might as well make it memorable. Here’s the one I look at:


These times of vibrational transition grant us enormous opportunity to accelerate the evolutionary process. By being open to letting go of the outdated ways of separation from each other and from our own selves, we can move into a more compassionate and cohesive world.

Events of the last several years have opened our eyes to see the holes in our society, in our own homes, in our own minds. The forces that drive evolution in nature are the same that drive our own, but as intelligent and brilliant humans- we can direct our focus and where we end up. Will we evolve towards unity or be left behind to the lesser realms of existence? It is up to us and it begins with our own energy. The more we value our relationship with our own mind and body, the greater our ability to hold each other and establish better bonds with one another, perpetuating also, the evolution of our beautiful mother earth.

You either evolve or you disappear.”- Tupac Shakur

If you feel inspired after reading this, email me a few things you are doing to nourish your mind and body. Or simply to say hi and connect. I will be happy to support your evolution and happiness too.

Muchisimas gracias for esta conexión.